Rowe Running

Sussex Athletics Cross Country League - 12 October 2024

By on bognor regis tone zone runners david

My running this year has been going well. My knee issue (talked about here) is still with me, but it’s so so much better than it was a year ago. I can run, push myself and on the following days it’s more my muscles that ache rather than my body as such. This is a good thing. I’ve also been trying to slowly increase longer runs each week and I can now comfortably run around 7-8 miles as a ‘long’ run. I’m sure I could do more - I’ve just not tried to yet (it’s called being sensible).

So, this brings me to this past weekend. I saw a post on social media about the Goodwood cross-country league race coming up at the weekend and decided that I fancied another go at it - as last time (in 2021) it was fun but really tough in equal measures. It would also be a good opportunity to try and pace it better (I went out too hard last time) and see if the second lap felt any better than before.

Saturday came - we’ve had a fair bit of rain the past few days but I was undecided about what shoes to wear. I took my trail shoes and cross-country spikes (which I bought just after the race in 2021 but haven’t yet worn) and would make a decision once I’ve had a closer look at the conditions. The race was at 2:35pm, we left home just over an hour before and got there with plenty of time to spare. Parking was easy and it was about a two minute walk from the car to the start. I collected my number, watched some of the racing that was taking place and then went for a little jog to decide on which shoes to wear.

It was wet, but didn’t seem overly muddy. Looking around, the leaders of the earlier races (juniors and women) seemed to be in spikes but the more casual runners (i.e., myself) were in trail shoes. A decision to go for the trail shoes was made.

Prior to the senior mens race starting the race announcer explained that we would be having a minute of clapping in memory of Brighton Phoenix runner Robbie Fitzgibbon who died only a few days before the race, aged 28. The Brighton runners competing were brought forward to stand in front of everyone else during this time.

In memory of Robbie Fitzgibbon, 23 March 1996 – 7 October 2024

It was then time to race. There were only around 120 people racing and the start line was wide so nothing to hold me up. I just made sure that I didn’t go off too fast (like last time). I’m really pleased that I managed to do this - I think I still had scars from how bloody tough the second lap was three years ago and didn’t want to experience that again.

Conditions were pretty good underfoot. After running on grass you head into a wooded area, then down an incredibly steep part and down to the far corner of the lap. I got there in about 6 minutes 40 seconds. Three years ago I got to the same point in 6 minutes. So I was considerably slower this time around - I didn’t have any idea of this at the time but it’s interesting to look back at my GPS from 2021 and compare them.

Heading out of the woods for the final third of the lap it had really started to pour with rain - not a problem for me, but not the greatest for Sharon who was supporting me. I finished the first lap in around 16:30 (15:58 in 2021) and was happy with how it was going. I had someone just in front of me as we ran uphill into a headwind at the start of the lap and it was only fair that I nipped in front of him as we headed back towards the woods. I’ve no idea if he stuck to me or not.

Back round to the far bottom corner of the course - this time my watch was at 23:30 compared to 22:30 in 2021 - so I’d lost another 30 seconds or so. Maybe the earlier headwind didn’t help.

During the second lap of the race I think I overtook about five or six other runners - this was mentally good. I was overtaken by two or three people. As we headed out of the woods to the final grass section I remember overtaking one chap and him saying to me “you go ahead fella - I think I’m going to be sick.”

I was overtaken by one person in the final half mile and it was a hard old slog. The grassy climb is just energy sapping - it’s not long, but it’s horrible.

Coming round to the finish I crossed the line with an official time of 33:12. This was surprisingly only one second slower than three years ago! I think the course was pretty much identical (the only slight deviation that I can see in the GPS tracks is near the end of each lap when you run beside the car park - it looks like it was a few meters longer in 2021). Either way, I was chuffed to have run almost exactly the same as in 2011 and my pacing was clearly much better, as this year it wasn’t a horrific slog to the finish. My average heart rate was also a few beats lower this time around.

I finished in 69th position (out of 117). I was 70th (out of 132) last time. Pretty consistent I’d say.

I really like this race - it’s dirt cheap to enter, doesn’t have any of the frills of other races and is as competitive as can be. I’ll certainly try and line up at the start in 2025.

The other side of the banner says “FINISH”!

© David & Sharon Rowe - - email me